Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 12693
Annual Return Start: 26 Oct 2019
Annual Return End: 25 Oct 2020
Date Received: 22 Dec 2020
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
M2.1 A sample was unable to be retrieved from Monitoring Point 40 (BH23S) in June 2020 as required by Condition M2.1. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
L1.1 Seepage of stormwater from NCIG’s stormwater pond network during a significant rainfall event. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1
L1.1 The long travel gearboxes on Shiploader 1 struck a displaced checker plate ramp on the western side of the K9 Maintenance Bay, resulting in gearbox oil leaking to the Hunter River (estimated less than 10 litres). EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1
L1.1 While undertaking routine washdown duties on Shiploader 1, a small amount of dark coloured water, believed to be washdown water, was noticed in the Hunter River adjacent to the K8 Maintenance Bay. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1